The Open Fiscal Data Package (OFDP) is a simple, open, technical specification for publishing government budget and spending data. It aims to be easy to use both for those publishing data, i.e. governments, and for those using the data, such as researchers, journalists and other audiences.
The Open Fiscal Data Package serves two main purposes
1. Standardizing the structure and the content of fiscal data so that tools and services can be built over it for visualization, analysis or comparison; and
2. Driving data quality by providing a solid framework of publication. So the Open Fiscal Data Package specifies the form for fiscal data and offers a standardized framework for the content.
The OFDP has been developed in a collaboration involving Open Knowledge International, the Global Initiative of Fiscal Transparency (GIFT), the BOOST World Bank initiative and a dedicated open data community, building on the OpenSpending platform.

To date, the OFDP is used by seven National Governments to publish their budget and spending data for current and historic expenditures. The packager is used in different ways to publish the open data, provide standard visualizations or power their own visualization and enable reuse through the API.
Advisory group
Thomas Iverson – U.S. Department of the Treasury
Amparo Ballivian – The World Bank
Anders Pedersen – Natural Resource Governance Institute
Claire Schouten – The International Budget Partnership
Eduardo Andres Estrada – The World Bank
Jean-Noé Landry – Open North
Lindsey Marchessault – Open Contracting Partnership
Mark Brough
Lorena Rivero – Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
Massimo Massimo – The World Bank
Mauro Santos – The Federal Secretary of Budget and Planning of Brazil
Sailendra Narayan Pattanayak – The International Monetary Fund
Tim Davies – Open Data Services
Advisory Group Meeting notes – Sep 21, 2016
Advisory Group Meeting notes – Nov 8, 2016
Advisory Group Meeting notes – May 25, 2017
https://www.youtube.com/embed/9Bf2KGSDKJY?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&rel=0 https://www.youtube.com/embed/T0465hShvbk?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&rel=0